“Whether you call it strategic philanthropy, community investment or cause marketing, partnerships between for-profit and nonprofit organizations are focused on developing goodwill, attractiveness…and reward”. Bruce Burtch

ArtLinks has 501c3 status, so any contribution is tax-deductable to the fullest extent of the law.

Becoming a partner to our nonprofit organization, you will get the benefits:

– Receive a tax deduction for contributions – Increase customer and brand loyalty by supporting diversities, cultural and art world heritage.
– Increase employee engagement, morale and retention. Our organization can organize team-building events and celebrations for your company.
– Draw media attention and coverage, generate recognition.
– Increase sales of products or services.

How to become partner: 

1. Corporate giving – provide ArtLinks organization with charitable donations, which you can use for tax deductions.
2. Cause marketing – promote our nonprofit and collect donations so your own image is heightened in the eyes of your customers.
3. QUID-PRO-QUO – We organize any team-building or celebration event for your company in return for your contribution to our organization.
4. Become a title sponsor – Sponsor and give your name to one of the upcoming events organized by ArtLinks nonprofit organization.

Become partner now